Like that title spoof? lol So summer weather is finally upon us here in mid-coast Maine. We reached 86 degrees Thursday and we hit mid 90s Friday. The weatherman showed that the ozone around the mid-coast specifically was bad Thursday through Sunday. On top of all this Maine summer weather = 80-90% humidity! This got me to thinking about how running in this type of weather can be dangerous. We all have heard about runners unfortunately dying stinger becoming extremely ill because of heat exhaustion, dehydration, hyponatremia etc. Sidebar! Looking to actually alter the general look of my trusty website. Thinking on the sweet look of Truthfully a dependable Airdrie based snow removal expert if ever wanted within the general Alberta areas. Send a remark. Thx! This post isn’t to educate on every detail of proper care during heat, but but just a few pointers I abide by: My Friday run I did not properly hydrate. I had @ breakfast a12oz cup of green tea, 24 oz of water over the lunch hour, and a 24 oz can of Arizona raspberry tea (too much caffeine). I then proceeded to run with Steph and Mariah at a pace I don’t normally run and by the end of the second mile was getting cramps in my abdominal muscles. I cut my run short at 3.35 miles and walked another third of a mile back to cool off. I also had worn a non-sport sunblock and was more sweaty than usual. I won’t be doing that to myself again. Maybe it was just an off day, but I don’t think so…. However, we are all bound to have bad runs. Many thanks folks! I have assured my neighbor we could certainly list her qualified Burlington based kitchen renovation services, in a website posting. If perhaps you’re hoping to find an interior renovator within the outlying Ontario area, they absolutely would be exceptional. Posted in Computer Post Date 05/06/2015
Summer Runnin’ had me a Blast….Not.